Ally Avery

Cohort Profile: TWINS study of environment, lifestyle behaviours and health

Duncan GE, Avery A, Hurvitz PM, Moudon AV, Tsang S, Turkheimer E. The role of built and social environments in supporting healthy lifestyles has received increased attention over the past decade, as research and prevention paradigms have shifted from a focus on individual-level behaviour change to macro-level influences embedded within social-ecological models of health that […]

Deep Learning of Street View Imagery to Assess Urban Green Space Relationships with Mental Health: A Twin Study

PI: Perry HystadProject number: R21ES029722Project dates: 8/17/2019-7/31/2021 The built environment is an important modifiable determinant of human health, yet our ability to understand its effects on human health have been limited by the lack of scalable data on specific components (and exposures) of the built environment. The emergence of ubiquitous geo-referenced imagery in the United […]

Sleep Duration and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms: A Twin Study

Study Objectives: Long and short sleep duration are associated with greater risk of developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); however, it is unknown how genetic and environmental influences impact this relationship. Thus, we investigated the association between sleep duration and PTSD symptoms using twin models. Methods: Data were obtained from 1,865 monozygotic and 758 dizygotic twin […]

The CODATwins Project: The Current Status and Recent Findings of COllaborative Project of Development of Anthropometrical Measures in Twins

The COllaborative project of Development of Anthropometrical measures in Twins (CODATwins) project is a large international collaborative effort to analyze individual-level phenotype data from twins in multiple cohorts from different environments. The main objective is to study factors that modify genetic and environmental variation of height, body mass index (BMI, kg/m2) and size at birth, […]

The Washington State Twin Registry: 2019 Update

It has been over 5 years since the last special issue of Twin Research and Human Genetics on ‘Twin Registries Worldwide: An Important Resource for Scientific Research’ was published. Much progress has been made in the broad field of twin research since that time, and the current special issue is a follow-up to update the scientific community […]

Probabilistic walking models using built environment and sociodemographic predictors

Background: Individual sociodemographic and home neighborhood built environment (BE) factors influence the probability of engaging in health-enhancing levels of walking or moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA). Methods are needed to parsimoniously model the associations. Methods: Participants included 2392 adults drawn from a community-based twin registry living in the Seattle region. Objective BE measures from four domains […]

Salience network connectivity is reduced by a meal and influenced by genetic background and hypothalamic gliosis

Background/objectives: The salience network (SN) comprises brain regions that evaluate cues in the external environment in light of internal signals. We examined the SN response to meal intake and potential genetic and acquired influences on SN function. Subjects/methods: Monozygotic (MZ; 40 pairs) and dizygotic (15 pairs) twins had body composition and plasma metabolic profile evaluated (glucose, insulin, […]

Heritability of Type 2 Diabetes in the Washington State Twin Registry

Approximately 12% of U.S. adults have type 2 diabetes (T2D). Diagnosed T2D is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors including age and lifestyle. In adults 45 years and older, the Discordant Twin (DISCOTWIN) consortium of twin registries from Europe and Australia showed a moderate-to-high contribution of genetic factors of T2D with a […]

A twin study of genetic influences on nephrolithiasis in women and men

Background: Nephrolithiasis is a complex phenotype influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. Previously we found a genetic component to stone disease using a sample of male twin pairs. We now report on the genetic contribution to stones in a sample of female and male twin pairs. Methods: We conducted a classic twin study of kidney stones […]

Viral genetics modulate orolabial HSV-1 shedding in humans

Background: Orolabial herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) infection has a wide spectrum of severity in immunocompetent persons. To study the role of viral genotype and host immunity, we characterized oral HSV-1 shedding rates and host cellular response, and genotyped viral strains, in monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twins. Methods: A total of 29 MZ and 22 […]

Plantar pressures in identical and non-identical twins

Telfer S, Bigham JJ, Sudduth ASM. Identifying environmental risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders is challenging due to the number of potential confounders. Twins are of particular interest for researchers interested in studying these types of problems due to their inherent control for the influence of genetic factors. In twin studies, this population can allow environmental […]

Association of twins’ sex discordance and age at menarche

Introduction: Age at menarche (AAM) is the point in development when the female starts her first menstrual period and is one of the first milestones in female reproductive life. A combination of genetic and environmental factors plays a role in the timing of female’s age at menarche. Material and methods: This study’s purpose was to […]

The Genetics and Epigenetics of Healthy Aging in Twins

Aging is complex process, involving both genetic and non-genetic factors.  Genetics contribute to the rate of change for bodily functions and risk of disease, but these changes can also be influenced by the environment. The goal of this study was to learn more about the genes that are related to healthy aging, and how the […]

Study of Air Pollution in Twins (R33 phase)

This study seeks to understand how the environment influences our health by using a new device (the Portable Particle Monitor, PUWPM) that measures toxins in the environment, which was built and tested during the first phase of this study. These toxins include air pollution, noise, and allergens. Exposure to particle pollution can result in increased hospital […]

Physical Activity in Twins (PAT) follow-up study

This study continues on work conducted from 2012-15 exploring the role of the built environment in supporting healthy lifestyles. The built environment is defined as human-made surroundings, such as buildings, streets, and transportation systems, which support or hinder human activity. Although this topic has gained increasing attention from many researchers over the last several years, […]

Familial factors predicting recovery and maintenance of physical activity in people with low back pain: insights from a population-based twin study

Background: It is unknown how familial factors influence the recovery from low back pain (LBP) and the maintenance activity behaviours. We aimed to investigate whether individual and within-family physical activity (PA) and sedentary behaviour influenced recovery from LBP, and maintenance of PA and sedentary behaviour in people with and without LBP. Methods: Longitudinal logistic regression analyses were […]

Usability of a Personal Air Pollution Monitor: Design-Feedback Iterative Cycle Study

Background: There is considerable evidence that exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) air pollution is associated with a variety of adverse health outcomes. However, true exposure-outcome associations are hampered by measurement issues, including compliance and exposure misclassification. Objective: This paper describes the use of the design-feedback iterative cycle to improve the design and usability of a new […]

Hypothalamic Gliosis by MRI and Visceral Fat Mass Negatively Correlate with Plasma Testosterone Concentrations in Healthy Men

Objective: This study aimed to determine whether a relationship was evident between gliosis in the mediobasal hypothalamus (MBH) and plasma testosterone concentrations in men. Methods: A total of 41 adult men (aged 18-50 years) from 23 twin pairs underwent fasting morning blood draw and brain magnetic resonance imaging. T2 relaxation time was used to quantify gliosis in […]

Study Design and Rationale for the Mood and Methylation Study: A Platform for Multi-Omics Investigation of Depression in Twins

Major depression is a complex disorder with no single, direct causal mechanism. Morbidity has been linked to genetic processes, developmental history, and unique environmental exposures. Epigenetic mechanisms, especially DNA methylation, are also likely important factors in the pathogenesis of major depressive disorder (MDD). A community-based twin sample has many advantages for epigenetic studies, given the […]

DNA methylation associated with healthy aging of elderly twins

Variation in healthy aging and lifespan is ascribed more to various non-genetic factors than to inherited genetic determinants, and a major goal in aging research is to reveal the epigenetic basis of aging. One approach to this goal is to find genomic sites or regions where DNA methylation correlates with biological age. Using health data […]