
Genetic and Environment Influences on Sleep, Pain, and Depression Symptoms in a Community Sample of Twins

Objective: We used quantitative genetic methods to evaluate whether sleep quality, pain, and depression symptoms share a common genetic diathesis, to estimate the genetic and environmental sources of covariance among these symptoms, and to test for possible causal relationships. Methods: A community sample of 400 twins from the University of Washington Twin Registry completed standardized self-report questionnaires. […]

Dexamethasone-suppressed Salivary Cortisol and Pain Sensitivity in Female Twins

Objectives: Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis dysregulation is associated with chronic pain. Studying pain sensitivity and the HPA axis could elucidate the role of stress in chronic pain development, which might be influenced by familial factors, including genes. Methods: Associations between pain sensitivity and salivary cortisol and familial confounding in these associations were examined in 88 female, community-based twin […]

Familial Contributions to Self-Reported Sleep and Pain in Female Twins

Objective: The relationship between sleep quality and pain has been studied in populations with chronic pain and in nonclinical populations using experimental paradigms. Little is known about the familial contributions to this relationship. This study examines self-reported sleep quality and pain in a nonclinical sample and to explore familial (i.e., shared genetic and common family environment) […]

Heritability of Pain Catastrophizing and Associations with Experimental Pain Outcomes: A Twin Study

This study used a twin paradigm to examine genetic and environmental contributions to pain catastrophizing and the observed association between pain catastrophizing and cold-pressor task (CPT) outcomes. Male and female monozygotic (n = 206) and dizygotic twins (n = 194) from the University of Washington Twin Registry completed a measure of pain catastrophizing and performed […]

Clinical and evoked pain, personality traits, and emotional states: Can familial confounding explain the associations?

Objectives: Pain is a complex phenomenon influenced by context and person-specific factors. Affective dimensions of pain involve both enduring personality traits and fleeting emotional states. We examined how personality traits and emotional states are linked with clinical and evoked pain in a twin sample. Methods: 99 female twin pairs were evaluated for clinical and evoked pain using […]

Salivary cortisol and cold pain sensitivity in female twins

Background: There is a dearth of knowledge about the link between cortisol and pain sensitivity. Purpose: We examined the association of salivary cortisol with indices of cold pain sensitivity in 198 female twins and explored the role of familial confounding. Methods: Three-day saliva samples were collected for cortisol levels and a cold pressor test was used to collect […]

Current Smoking as a Predictor of Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain in Young Adult Twins

Chronic pain is common during adolescence and young adulthood and is associated with poor quality of life, depression, and functional disability. Recognizing that chronic pain has significant consequences, it is important to identify modifiable health behaviors that may place young adults at risk for chronic pain. This study examines associations between chronic musculoskeletal pain and […]

Temporomandibular disorder-type pain and migraine headache in women: a preliminary twin study

Aims: To determine whether shared genetic influences are responsible for the association between pain from temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and migraine headache. Methods: Data were obtained from 1,236 monozygotic and 570 dizygotic female twin pairs from the University of Washington Twin Registry. TMD pain was assessed with a question about persistent or recurrent pain in the jaw, temple, […]

C-Reactive Protein and Pain Sensitivity: Findings from Female Twins

Background: Systemic inflammation and pain sensitivity may contribute to the development and maintenance of chronic pain conditions. Purpose: We examined the relationship between systemic inflammation as measured by C-reactive protein (CRP) and cold pain sensitivity in 198 female twins from the University of Washington Twin Registry. We also explored the potential role of familial factors in this […]

Chronic pain, overweight, and obesity: Findings from a community-based twin registry

Chronic pain and obesity, and their associated impairments, are major health concerns. We estimated the association of overweight and obesity with 5 distinct pain conditions and 3 pain symptoms, and examined whether familial influences explained these relationships. We used data collected from 3,471 twins in the community-based University of Washington Twin Registry. Twins reported sociodemographic data, […]

Psychological distress in twins with urological symptoms

Objective: Interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome (IC/PBS) is a chronic pain condition with unclear underlying etiology. Our objectives were to determine whether psychological distress was higher in twins with urological symptoms commonly found in IC/PBS than in twins without, and if so, did familial influences contribute to this association. Method: Data from 1165 female twins in a community-based […]

Are post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms and temporomandibular pain associated? Findings from a community-based twin registry

Aims: To determine whether symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are related to the pain of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) in a community-based sample of female twin pairs, and if so, to ascertain whether the association is due to the presence of chronic widespread pain (CWP) and familial/genetic factors. Methods: Data were obtained from 630 monozygotic and 239 […]

A twin study of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and chronic widespread pain

Previous studies of the association between posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and chronic widespread pain (CWP) or fibromyalgia have not examined the role of familial or genetic factors. The goals of this study were to determine if symptoms of PTSD are related to CWP in a genetically informative community-based sample of twin pairs, and if so, […]