Are post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms and temporomandibular pain associated? Findings from a community-based twin registry

Aims: To determine whether symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are related to the pain of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) in a community-based sample of female twin pairs, and if so, to ascertain whether the association is due to the presence of chronic widespread pain (CWP) and familial/genetic factors. Methods: Data were obtained from 630 monozygotic and 239 […]

Unique environmental effects on physical activity participation: a twin study

Background: The health benefits of regular physical activity are well established. However, the relative contribution of heritable and environmental factors to physical activity participation remains controversial. Using a cut-point of 60 minutes of total activity per week, data from the GenomEUtwin project revealed consistent genetic influence on physical activity participation in 37,051 twin pairs from seven […]