restrained eating

A twin study of differences in the response of plasma ghrelin to a milkshake preload in restrained eaters

Background: Genetic, physiological, and psychological factors can affect food intake, but twin studies can distinguish inherited from environmental contributors. We examined the influence of attempted cognitive control of eating (“restrained eating”) on levels of appetite-regulating hormones. Methods: Sixteen female, monozygotic twin pairs, discordant for Restraint Scale score (i.e., one twin a restrained eater with score>15 whereas the […]

Acquired differences in brain responses among monozygotic twins discordant for restrained eating

We studied whether self-reported intent to exert cognitive control over eating was associated with differences in brain response to food cues, independent of genetic background. Subjects were ten pairs of identical twins in which one twin was a restrained eater and the co-twin was unrestrained, as classified by the Herman and Polivy Restraint Scale. Before […]

The association of restrained eating with weight change over time in a community-based sample of twins

We investigated the association of restrained eating with BMI and weight gain while controlling for the influence of genes and shared environment. Participants were 1,587 twins enrolled in the University of Washington Twin Registry (UWTR). Restrained eating was assessed by the Herman and Polivy Restraint Scale. Height and weight were self-reported on two occasions. Analyses […]

Genetic and environmental influences on restrained eating behavior

Objective: We examined the relative contributions of genetic and environmental influences to restrained eating. Method: Restrained eating was assessed by the Restraint Scale in a survey mailed to all twins enrolled in the University of Washington Twin Registry. We used structural equation modeling to estimate genetic and nongenetic contributions to restrained eating. Results: 1,196 monozygotic (MZ), 456 same-sex […]