Do identical twins have identical fingerprints?

No! Studies have concluded that, even though the fingerprints of identical (MZ) twins may be very similar, they are not identical. MZ twins have a very high correlation of loops, whorls and ridges. But the details (for example, where skin ridges meet, divide into branches, or end) differ between MZ twins.

MZ  twins share the same genetic makeup (DNA) because they are formed from a single zygote (fertilized egg). However, fingerprints are not an entirely genetic characteristic. They are determined by the interaction of genes in the developmental environment of the womb.

Fingerprint patterns are set between the 13th and 19th weeks of development in the womb. A variety of environmental factors may influence the shape of fingerprints. Examples include differences in umbilical cord length (which can influence blood flow), access to nutrition, blood pressure, rate of finger growth at the end of the first trimester, and position in the womb.

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