Are you eager to participate in a study with the Washington Twin Registry?
Participating in a study with the Twin Registry helps us better understand genetic and environmental influences on health and illness. While some studies involve in-person visits, we also conduct studies via mail. The Twin Registry also works with other research groups and universities, with whom you may elect to share your contact information.
Several new studies usually begin each year. Participation in the Twin Registry and in specific studies is completely voluntary. You may decline to participate in any study or ask to be removed from the Twin Registry at any time.
Recruitment Process
Using our database, we craft randomized recruitment lists featuring twin pairs that fit the specific characteristics required for individual studies.
The Washington Twin Registry distributes study invitations to your email or physical address. After indicating your interest in participating, a study coordinator will call with additional study information as well a series of screen questions to ensure you are a good fit for the particular study.
Visit our Current Studies page for additional information about the studies currently recruiting participants as well as other opportunities.
Scientific research using twin data is very valuable. We could not do the important work we do without the help of Twin Registry members like you! Thank you for your willingness to consider participating.
Safe and Ethical Research
The Washington State Twin Registry has been reviewed and approved for human subject participation by the Washington State University Institutional Review Board (IRB). The Twin Registry takes our responsibility to conduct safe, ethical, and high-quality research very seriously. Contact us if you have questions about your rights.
The Twin Registry works closely with our IRB committee to review each study to make sure that:
- The rights of participants are protected.
- Participants are not subject to unreasonable harm (physical and/or emotional).
- Information about participants is kept confidential.