Dietary and biomarker measurement in the Washington State Twin Registry

This research study is being done to explore the relationship between eating frequency and health outcomes. It will also explore whether risk for disease is predicted with biomarkers that are typically associated with eating frequency. Identical or same-sex fraternal twins are eligible to participate. By comparing twin pairs to other twin pairs, and comparing twins to their cotwin, we can better understand the contribution of genetics and unique environment to eating frequency and health outcomes.

We plan to enroll 850 pairs of twins (1700 individuals). Study procedures involve completing a detailed questionnaire which asks about demographics, health history, and health behaviors. Participants will also complete a 24-hour food recall on 3 random days (2 week days, 1 weekend day) during a given week. Food recalls are completed on the ASA24 website hosted by the National Cancer Institute. The food recall asks about everything you ate and drank the previous day and at what time you ate or drank. The questionnaire and food recalls are all completed online.